Catch of the Day
Pankaj Singh
| 29-07-2024

· Information Team
Fishing is a crucial global industry, encompassing a diverse array of fishing boats and nets, each designed with specific features to target various types of fish and marine life.
Here, Lykkers, Let's delve into several major types of fishing boats and fishing nets, explaining their working principles and application scenarios.
1. Trawlers
Trawlers are among the most prevalent types of fishing boats, primarily used for catching fish located at the bottom or in the middle layers of the ocean. These boats are equipped with powerful engines, enabling them to stay at sea for extended periods.
The primary mechanism involves dragging a massive net through the water or along the seabed to capture marine life. Trawlers can be categorized into two main types based on their fishing depth: bottom trawlers and mid-water trawlers.
Bottom Trawlers: These boats are designed to drag fishing nets along the ocean floor, targeting bottom-dwelling species such as flounder and cod. The nets have a wide mouth and weights at the bottom to ensure they remain close to the seabed.
Midwater Trawlers: These boats operate in the midwater column, catching species such as mackerel and eel. The nets used by midwater trawlers typically have larger mouths and float on both sides to keep the net open and suspended in the midwater zone.
2. Purse Seine Fishing Boats
Purse seine fishing boats are highly efficient and commonly used for commercial fishing, particularly to catch large schools of fish such as sardines and tuna. These boats encircle the fish school with a large net and then tighten the bottom to trap the fish inside.
Circular Purse Seine: This method involves surrounding a fish school with a circular net and then drawing the bottom closed, effectively trapping the fish.
Two Boat Purse Seining: This technique requires two boats. One boat sets the net while the other closes the bottom. It is especially useful for catching fast-swimming fish like tuna.
3. Fixed Net Fishing Boats
Fixed nets are stationary fishing tools, primarily used in offshore areas or estuaries. These nets are set along the migration paths of fish, guiding them into the net.
Gillnet: A gillnet is a type of fixed net with a large mesh size. When fish swim into the net, they get entangled and cannot escape. Gillnets are mainly used to catch species such as salmon and tuna.
Bird Net: Similar in structure to gillnets but with smaller mesh, bird nets are used to catch smaller fish.
4. Fishing Boats Using Hooks and Lines
Fishing boats using hooks, lines, and bait are highly selective and environmentally friendly. This method is often employed to catch high-value fish.
Longline Fishing: This method involves using a long rope with multiple hooks and baits. The line is set in the sea, attracting fish that get hooked when they bite the bait. Longline fishing is mainly used to catch large fish like tuna and swordfish.
Trolling: This method involves trailing multiple fishing lines with bait behind a moving boat. The movement of the bait attracts fish, which then get hooked. Trolling is commonly used for fast-moving fish like tuna and sharks.
5. Stilt Fishing
Stilt fishing is a traditional method used in Sri Lanka. Fishermen set up stilts in the tidal zone and sit on them, using hand rods to fish as the tide rises. This unique method has also become a tourist attraction.
6. Hand-Cast Net Fishing
Hand-cast net fishing is a skill-intensive and poetic method. The net, shaped like a conical hat, has a circle of lead weights around its edge. When thrown correctly, the net opens fully in the air and lands accurately over a school of fish. This method is commonly seen in lakes and shallow coastal areas in China.
The world of fishing boats and nets is diverse, each designed for specific applications and fish species. From the ubiquitous trawlers and the selective hook-and-line fishing boats to the efficiently fixed nets and the traditional stilt fishing, these tools collectively underpin the global fishing industry.
As fishing technology advances, it is crucial to balance the sustainable use of fisheries to ensure the health of marine ecosystems.