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Throughout human history, the quest for self-reflection has led to the evolution of mirrors.
Initially, people discovered that water could create a reflection, leading them to use it as a primitive mirror for grooming purposes. However, this method had its limitations.
Bronze, a versatile metal, soon appeared in human history, serving various purposes as utensils and tools.
One day, a groundbreaking idea surfaced: why not use bronze to craft mirrors? This marked the birth of bronze mirrors, which, at their rough inception, required polishing to achieve a smooth surface capable of reflecting light and casting human shadows.
However, bronze mirrors had a drawback—prolonged exposure to air caused them to oxidize, resulting in a dull grey surface that rendered them less effective for illuminating human shadows. In response, craftsmen emerged, specializing in grinding and maintaining bronze mirrors for people's daily use.
The main components of bronze include malachite, tin ore, and charcoal, with a smelting temperature of around 1080°C. On the other hand, glass mirrors are fashioned from molten silicate compounds, with quartz sand as the primary raw material, supplemented by soda ash and limestone.
The smelting process for glass mirrors operates at a higher temperature of around 1200°C. During the bronze smelting process, the melting of various minerals results in vitreous matter being incorporated into the copper slag, forming filaments or clustered masses.
When copper particles are introduced into the vitreous material, it takes on a light blue or light green hue. Craftsmen recognized the potential of these translucent, brightly colored materials and, after some refinement, turned them into beautiful glass ornaments.
After extensive trial and error, ancient Chinese artisans mastered the art of glass production.
A keen observer will notice the differences between modern glass mirrors and their bronze predecessors. Glass mirrors are typically covered entirely with a silver layer, and their backs are coated with a special substance. So, what is this substance, and how is it applied?
In the early days of glass mirror production, artisans adhered tin foil to the glass, which was then coated with mercury. The tin could dissolve into the mercury, forming a sticky, silver-white liquid known as tin amalgam. This mixture adhered firmly to the mirror, transforming it into a reflective surface.
However, this method had numerous drawbacks. It was a laborious process, taking an entire month to complete, and involved the use of toxic mercury, which posed safety concerns. Furthermore, the resulting mirror surface lacked the desired brightness, affecting both its usability and aesthetic appeal.
Over time, experimentation led to the discovery of a more suitable method. A thin layer of silver was found to be an ideal coating for the back of the mirror, achieved through a chemical reaction known as the silver mirror reaction.
This process employs a glucose solution as a reducing agent, causing the silver in silver nitrate to be reduced by the aldehyde group in sugar, transforming it into metallic silver, which adheres to the glass surface.
The creation of mirrors also requires selecting glass with a smooth surface. If the chosen glass has an uneven surface, the reflection will distort, leading to comical and distorted self-images. In modern times, convex and concave glass is utilized to create popular "funhouse" mirrors that warp and twist the reflected image for amusement.
The evolution of mirrors from primitive water reflections to polished bronze and, ultimately, glass mirrors with silver backing reflects humanity's persistent quest for self-reflection and improvement.
Each step in this journey brought unique challenges and innovations, resulting in the mirrors we use today.